hey there! i'm
Laura Anthony
actor, playwright, theater-person

succintly saying stuff about myself since 1994
Hey! I'm Laura Anthony, I'm a nonbinary actor, playwright, and performer in the New York Metro area.
My pronouns are they/them, and I'm psyched that you're here.
I received a BFA in theatrical performance from Marlboro College, after which I wrote and debuted three plays in Philadelphia and Manhattan, and acted in a few more. I am deeply invested in theater as a creative force for greater empathy and social justice. I'm also a co-founder of Wolfsmouth Ensemble Company, which is a collective focused on the performance of civic-minded new works. I live with my partner and a singularly rad cat.
Thanks for visiting. Drop me a line about your project, I would love to talk. Oh, and my resume is down there, check that out too. Have a good day.